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Adapting to a New Culture | Try Us Out | Annual Dues | Join Now
Adapting to a New Culture
It can be challenging to find your way in a new culture, in terms of the language, food, and social customs. Getting to know women who have lived in Spain for many years will give you a useful insight into how things work here, as well as reassuring you in the early days, as they share their experiences, enjoying events together and making new friends.
As a member of the AWC, you will have access to a full program of fun, stimulating and social events, where you can meet other English-speaking women living in Seville.
Been here awhile but looking for new friendships or activities? Even if you have already been living in Seville for a few years, it is always good to meet more women with whom you have the same language in common and with whom you can discuss books, take cooking classes, learn flamenco and visit monuments.
We have an impressive program of cultural, educational, and family events – a great way to get to know the city.
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Try Us Out
While many of the Club’s activities are for members only, prospective members and visitors are welcome to attend one or two in order to learn more about the Club. Some activities are open to spouses, partners and friends.
For more information, see our Activities page.
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Annual Dues
The AWC membership year runs from September 1 to August 31, and the annual membership dues are 35€. Half of the membership fee is used to support our charities, and the rest is used to cover the expenses involved in running the Club.
The membership dues are payable in full when a member joins the club, regardless of the point in the year, except if a new member joins after May 1. In this case, dues will automatically cover membership for the following year as well. (This does not apply to renewing members.) Renewing members are asked to pay their dues by September 30.
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