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Monthly Events | Annual Events | Other Activities
Monthly Events
Every month, members gather for a midday meal at an interesting restaurant in Seville. We arrange a special set-price menu for the lunch, with all dietary needs covered. This popular event is a great way to keep in regular touch with other members, and to discover new restaurants in Seville – recently we’ve tried Spanish, Lebanese and Japanese cuisine.
Breakfast Club
Members get together informally at a local café once a month, to enjoy a good chat over coffee or tea and breakfast. This is a casual drop-in event – you can just have a quick coffee, or stay for longer, depending on your preference and availability.
Book Club
Each month members meet to discuss the current book club selection, whether contemporary fiction or a classic, and how it relates to our lives. All members are invited to attend, even if they haven’t read the book.
Family Meetups in the Park
At these monthly picnics, AWC families have a chance to socialize together in a relaxed outdoor environment – both adults and kids. Children often bring their own bikes, scooters and footballs to play with, while younger ones just enjoy running about in the park.
Game Night
Our monthly get-together at a local bar features board games, tapas, drinks, and lots of laughs. Play traditional games, or bring along a new one to try!
Movie Night
AWC members meet once a month to see a movie in English. Then we usually go out for tapas together to compare notes and talk about our impressions of the film.
Open Club and Craft Beer Night
New to Seville? At these friendly evening get togethers, recent arrivals to Seville can meet members who have lived in the city for some years, get practical advice, support and information, while enjoying great tapas and drinks in convivial company.
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Annual Events
Annual Coffee Morning in September and May Book Sale
These are our two most important and most well-attended events of the year – they are great opportunities to catch up with old friends and to meet new members. Both popular events are held in a private patio in central Seville. Proceeds from the Club’s May Book Sale help support our two charities.
Children’s Parties – Halloween, Christmas and Easter
Do you have children? We organize fun parties for families at Halloween and Christmas, and an Easter egg hunt in spring. Children love the handicrafts, songs, games and competitions, as well as the tasty homemade cakes and cookies provided by parents.
Holiday Dinners and Parties – Thanksgiving and Christmas
We organize dinners with traditional menus to celebrate the main holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, at restaurants around Seville. Set price menus are offered, and dietary needs are accommodated. Come and join in our special seasonal celebrations!
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Other Activities

Hikes and Walks
The Club organizes occasional hikes and walks around town and the countryside. They are enjoyed by members, family, and friends.